APLORI: Flying to new heights

Professor Will Cresswell is a renowned expert in conservation biology and ornithology (the study of birds), with a particular focus on African ecosystems, at the School of Biology. His research delves into the population dynamics of migrant, endemic, and declining bird species, shedding light on the challenges these species face in their migratory and breeding … Read more

Está lloviendo MMMEN: Mi tiempo como pasante en el proyecto Haciendo Música para Manejar El Niño

Incorporar el trabajo centrado en el impacto a las primeras carreras de investigación es una forma interesante de extender la cultura académica positiva y contribuir al bien social. Este blog ha sido escrito por Millie McCallum, que actualmente cursa un máster (con honores) en Geografía, que se ha unido a los académicos en un nuevo … Read more

It’s raining MMMEN: My time as an intern on the Making Music for Managing El Niño project

Embedding impact-focussed work into early careers in research is an exciting way to extend positive academic culture and contribute to societal good. This blog was written by Millie McCallum, currently undertaking her MA (Hons) in Geography, who has joined academics in a new project. By involving and empowering our student community through generating impact, the … Read more

Boundary spanning for Peru’s peatlands

Although sustainability and climate change mitigation are global issues, they require a mix of government-level and local solutions to address the challenges most pressing to people around the world. This is especially true of the world’s most valuable remaining ‘intact’ ecosystems, such as the peatlands of Peru – which store vast amounts of carbon and … Read more

Recovering waste, recovering voices: recycling and empowerment in Latin America and Scotland

In the movement toward sustainability, recycling, waste, and plastics have assumed major significance in global conversations. But understanding how plastic recycling and waste management can align with people and planet will require more than just ecological and economic analyses – their social dynamics are also a major point of consideration. Dr Patrick O’Hare is a … Read more