To help you/ your team to evolve potential impact work, the Research Impact team host “Impact Incubators”. These sessions can be interdisciplinary and centred around a shared research impact theme or hosted in Schools with a tailormade disciplinary approach.
Within these sessions, groups of (ideally) 3-8 academics can discuss a shared experience, either around a theme, or as part of their working groups within Schools, or as part of ongoing REF2029 ICS preparations. Sessions typically last between 1.5-2hrs and allow each member to discuss their work, learn from the group’s impact journeys and develop ideas for themselves and others.
School-based incubators are typically requested by the Director of Impact and Innovation within the School. The Research Impact team will then reach out to get an overview of the needs of the School and will create a session plan around those needs.
To arrange an Impact Incubator, Directors of Impact and Innovation can contact the Research Impact Team.
We also host interdisciplinary sessions, on topics such as Citizen Science and Behaviour Change. Upcoming sessions for 2024 will be published soon.