UKRI Harmonisation IAA 2022-2026

BBSRC, EPSRC & MRC Harmonised IAA 2022-2026

Completed applications for Main Fund/Kickstarter should be submitted online via the Qualtrics link here: Harmonised IAA Main Fund 2024-2026

Completed applications for Rapid Response should be submitted online via the Qualtrics link here: Harmonised IAA Rapid Respnse 2024-2026


The deadline for the Harmonised IAA is 12 Noon, 4th December.

Rapid response applications will be accepted.

Eligible costs

Eligible costs include any activities or mechanisms to achieve impact from BBSRC, EPSRC & MRC remit research, including:

  • Travel and subsistence, consumables
  • Researcher/PDRA salaries
  • Specialist advice and market research
  • Meetings, workshops, conferences and networking events specifically targeted at external organisations and non-academic users of research.
  • Provision of training or expertise which will benefit practitioners or other non-academics.
  • Practical applications of research to improve the environment, reduce pollution, recycle waste products, or improve sustainability, health, quality of life, understanding of health issues, deliver new treatments or therapies, affect non-academic practice or guidelines, etc.
  • Engagement with intermediary groups, such as NGOs, policymakers or local government which will influence subsequent policy and practice

Ineligible costs

  • Costs related to basic research activity, which should be funded through standard grant route
  • Costs that should have been anticipated and supported as part of the initial funding (such as public engagement related to a specific grant)
  • Undergraduate activities, core PhD, Masters and CPD costs or training
  • Equipment with a value over £10,000 per item
  • Indirect costs or estate costs
  • Late-stage commercial development for which there are other funding sources, e.g. companies, Innovate UK, Venture Capital, Scottish Enterprise, etc.

Main Impact & Kickstarter Awards

Main Award (Up to £40k) 

For more developed collaborations or projects which have some proven partnerships/engagement


Kickstarter Award (Up to £12k)

For earlier stage projects which may be at the stage of building/strengthening partnerships

Both streams can be for up to 12 months of funding. Fixed end date 31st March 2026.