NERC Cross-disciplinary research for Discovery Science 2022-2023
BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Account 4 (FTMA) 2022-2023
EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) 2021-2022 – *Closed*
For the EPSRC Impact Acceleration 2021-2022, the fund will be split into 2 pots: Small fund & Main fund
Small Fund IAA Awards:
Applications for Small Award can be up to £7,500
If an immediate need is demonstrated, a Small fund application will be considered at any point but please note that they are held to completion deadlines.
Main Fund IAA Awards:
Applications for Main Award can be from £7,500 to £30,000
Applicants must apply using the following link: – ( (the Word version of the application is EPSRC IAA Application Form 2021-22_to be shared).
Please note that to complete the online application an itemised cost breakdown is required, plus a FAS costing if there is a salary component, as part of the application.
Please read the updated guidance notes – EPSRC IAA Guidance Notes 2021-22_Final.
All applications must have been discussed with the Director of Impact or Director of Research prior to submission and have a statement of support from them included as part of the application.
Go to The EPSRC Impact Acceleration Account for more information.
All calls for EPSRC IAA are now CLOSED.
STFC Impact Acceleration Account FY 2021-2022 – *Closed*
We have recently been awarded a one-year extension of £50,000.00 to the STFC Impact Acceleration Account fund to 31st March 2022.
For this open call, applicants must apply using the STFC IAA 2021-2022 link: A word version of the form can also be supplied.
Applications can be up to the value of £25,000.
Please note that a FAS costing is required as part of the online application if there is a salary component.
All applications must be discussed and have the support of the Director of Impact and/or Director of Research prior to submission; a statement of School/Department support, preferably from the Director of Impact, is required with the application.
Projects can start June 2021, but all spend on the grants must be completed by 31st March 2022 with no option of extension.
The deadline for applications is noon, 18th May 2021.
The STFC Impact Acceleration Account is intended to:
- Strengthening knowledge exchange between academic and industrial stakeholders
- Support proof of concept projects derived from STFC research, which could result in further funding
- Supporting new, innovative, and imaginative approaches to KE and Impact
- Supporting activities that enable impact to be achieved in an effective and timely manner,including secondments and people exchange
- Support impact emerging from a body of research undertaken over a significant period of time. Multiple funders may have been involved in this body of research, but the RO must be able to demonstrate a connection between IAA expenditure and funding previously awarded by STFC
- Building and support for strategic partnerships for multi-disciplinary impact.
All calls for STFC IAA are now CLOSED.
Scottish Funding Council Global Challenges Research Fund
(Rapid Response & COVID-19) FY 2020-21 – *Closed*
The SFC Global Challenges Research Fund has as its primary objective the purposes of supporting cutting-edge research that promotes the economic development and well-being of countries on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee (DAC) list.
The Rapid Response and COVID-19 funding stream is closed.
All calls for SFC GCRF are now CLOSED.
AHRC Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement Scheme provides funds to support innovative and creative engagements with new audiences and user communities which stimulate pathways to impact. Funds will be awarded for knowledge exchange, public engagement, active dissemination and commercialisation activities that arise unforeseeably during the lifespan of or following an AHRC-funded project.
Operates without formal deadlines and will offer awards of up to £100,000 (fEC) for a maximum of 12 months
NERC Follow-on Funding is a ‘proof of concept’ fund to support the commercialisation of ideas arising from that NERC-funded research, for which a maximum of £125k (£100k NERC contribution at 80% fEC) may be requested.
NERC Pathfinder Grants Pathfinder awards enable you to fill knowledge gaps of good understanding of the likely market potential for the technology around which the project is based via activities such as market assessment and competitor analysis, intellectual property searches, engaging with potential commercial collaborators and end-users, and ‘milestone 1’ technical work where the technical feasibility of the whole project depends on it. Pathfinder awards are normally between £7,000 and £10,000, but in exceptional circumstances a maximum of £25,000 is available (NERC will contribute £20,000 at 80% fEC).
Wellcome Public Engagement Fund is for anyone with a great idea for engaging the public in conversations about health-related science and research.
Level of funding: You can apply for anything from £5,000 up to £3 million
Duration of funding: Up to 5 years
Wellcome: Small Grants in Humanities and Social Science
Small Grants fund programmes of activities that enable researchers to establish and develop networks, explore new areas of research and increase the impact of their work.
Career stage: Early, Intermediate, Senior, Returning to research
Level of funding: Usually up to £30,000
Duration of funding: Flexible, usually 6 to 12 months but can be longer