Impact and Innovation Fund 2024 – 2025

The Impact and Innovation Fund is an internally managed source which is designed to support research impact and innovation.

The aims of the IIF are:

  • To seed and strengthen research impact via project funding and PhD internships.
  • To nurture engagement with external stakeholders/beneficiaries toward demonstrable change.
  • To develop innovation-based work to more advanced TRLs/commercialisation (for those who are outside of our IAA portfolio remits).

The Impact and Innovation Fund now operates via a two-stage process. A compulsory Expression of Interest (EoI) must be submitted 6 weeks prior to the Main fund deadline. EoIs will be assessed by the Research Impact Team and relevant Director of Impact and Innovation and given advice. Applications which are deemed potentially eligible will be invited to apply for the main call.

Please read the IIF requirements and eligibility in the Guidance and Tips for applicants documents (see links below). Please note there are different thresholds of funding for each of the two streams, Impact and Innovation, to reflect the nature of the work to be undertaken.

Before applying, please refer to our updated IIF training resource

Upcoming Deadlines:

Expression of Interest – 9th September 2024

Main Call – 21st October 2024

Application and Guidance documentation:

Expression of Interest
Impact & Innovation
PhD Internship Scheme
Rapid Response

For instances where working with partners outside the UK, please read our Toolkit for guidance.

If you have had IIF or KEI funding in the past, please note that the IIF report and Pure updates for that funding will be needed before you can reapply. If your funding in still on-going, you will be asked to explain how your current funding request fits with the previously funded project. The report template can be found at the bottom of this page.


  • The Fund is open to University of St Andrews academic staff. They must have a contract of employment in place that covers the full duration of the project.
  • A staff member can be principal investigator on just one application per round.
  • Proposals must be based on research conducted (solely or jointly) at the University of St Andrews.
  • The Fund is intended to seed nascent impact projects. Applicants are not limited in the number of times they can apply to the scheme. However, it is expected that established projects will seek alternate external funding opportunities.
  • The Fund prioritises proposals not eligible for or covered by UKRI Impact Accelerator Accounts held by St Andrews (currently BBSRC, EPSRC and MRC) or similar sources of funding. Proposals that are eligible for other competitive funds with a deadline within 6 months of the IIF deadline will be sent to those competitions instead.
  • Upper limits are not guaranteed, and levels of funding are at the discretion of the peer review panel.
  • If you have previous IIF or KEI funding, please note you must be up to date with project reports and Pure updates for that funding to be eligible for any additional round.
  • If your funding is ongoing, you must explain how your current funding request fits with the previously funded project in your application form.
  • External & internal matched funding, in cash or in-kind, should be sought where possible. This includes any funding from the School or Department. This is a desirable criterion only.
  • Proposed applications (a) should be reviewed in advance with the School’s Director of Impact & Innovation (DoII), (b) must have the support of the School/Department, and (c) must be submitted with a specific (rather than general) statement of support from the DoII.
  • When a School submits multiple applications, the School’s DoII is required to rank them in order of priority to the School. The DoII will submit this ranking to the panel in the week after the competition submission deadline has passed.
  • Eligible applications are judged on quality. They are not required to focus on supporting the REF2029 submission. The full scoring criteria are given at the bottom of this document.
  • A mandatory Expression of Interest (EoI) stage is expected at least 6 weeks before the deadline to assess eligibility, resource needs and project development.
  • For more information on the PhD Internship stream, please see the guidance document above.


  • Proposals must focus on impact (not basic research, not dissemination of basic research).
  • The impact stems from research outputs, wholly or in part, from the University of St Andrews. Upcoming publications/outputs also meet this criterion.
  • Proposals must provide letters of support for all external partnerships they name.
  • There are clear proposed timescales for completion of activities including milestones and designated ‘fast fail’ points. (‘Fast fail’ points are instances where the project is unable to succeed as first planned and will use its progress to agree an altered scope with the panel chair, through the Research Impact team, or will cease its work.)
  • Proposals must address the principles of responsible innovation and the AREA (Anticipate, Reflect, Engage, Act) framework. (Please consult this resource for more information).

Projects that do not meet the eligibility criteria will be rejected without going to the Panel.

Allowable costs

  • Travel costs can be included if they are part of the mechanisms to achieve impact, e.g. meetings with non-academic partners.
  • The purchase of equipment may be allowable if this is an essential part of the proposal to create impact. If unsure, please contact the Research Impact team ([email protected]).
  • Non-permanent staff time

Funding Limits

  • Impact Small Award: Up to £5,000
  • Impact Main Award: £5,000 to £15,000
  • Innovation Small Award: Up to £7,500
  • Innovation Main Award: £7,500 to £25,000
  • Rapid Response: Up to £2,500


Both Main & Small Impact and Innovation streams with have deadlines in Autumn 2024 & Spring 2025. The Small fund will have an additional round in late January 2025.

Rapid response applications are applicable throughout the academic year.

PhD Internships

 PhD Internships – Open Call

PhD internships should be organised with the organisation separately and are intended for relationship building with the University. They will be paid pro-rata at the UKRI stipendiary rate (£19,237 for academic year 2024/2025), which is £4,809 for the equivalent of 3 months FTE. UKRI-funded researchers will continue to be in receipt of their PhD stipend and their stipendiary period will be extended in line with the placement duration.

Please note: Unless otherwise negotiated by the candidate with their funder, a PhD internship does not alter the final PhD submission date. Internships must be completed while the intern is still registered as a PhD candidate, i.e. their status as a student needs to be either ‘R’ Registered or ‘RT’ Registered Thesis.

PhD Internship application process

This is an open/rolling call. Applications for internships which promote new collaborations will be prioritised for funding.

  1. Stage 1: As an Expression of Interest, please complete and submit the “University of St Andrews Impact & Innovation Fund 2024/25 – PhD” application. We suggest that preliminary negotiations with relevant parties start before this application is submitted.
  2. Stage 2: If the Stage 1 funding is approved in principle, a completed “University of St Andrews Impact & Innovation Fund PhD Internship” form will need to be submitted within 4 weeks of successful Stage 1 email notification. This PhD Internship form scopes the project in more detail to provide clear objectives, expectations and structure to the proposed work to ensure that the internships are successful for all parties. It will require the signatures of the doctoral student, their supervisor and the host organisation mentor. Please request this form by emailing [email protected].
  3. Stage 3: Upon Stage 2 approval of the internship project, a “University of St Andrews PhD Internship Placement Agreement” must be signed by the doctoral student, their supervisor, the host organisation mentor and the VP Research & Innovation. This document is a legal document aimed primarily to ensure the safety of the student.
    Please request this form by emailing [email protected].

NB: Students must comply with the University UKBA attendance monitoring policy (Tier 4 visa holders).

Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in pursuing a PhD internship.

Completed applications should be submitted online via the Qualtrics links here:



We ask that all recipients of Impact Innovation funding complete the reports; please contact the Research Impact team who will forward on the appropriate format for your stream.

Please direct any queries to the Research Impact team [email protected]