Printable and Portable Integrated Photovoltaic-Supercapacitor Unit (PIPSU) for Advancing the Internet of Things Technology in the Developing Nations

Principal InvestigatorDr Lethy Krishnan Jagadamma Schools Physics and Astronomy ODA Countries Botswana SDGs Goal 3, Goal 7, Goal 8, Goal 9, Goal 11 and Goal 17. Project Description Out of the 7.5 billion population globally, 85% live in developing/underdeveloped nations. People in these countries face challenges of poor communication technology, poor health care, low expertise … Read more

Academic School and Department Impact Pages

The University of St Andrews is comprised of a number of Academic Schools and Departments, which are organised into four Faculties. Each school/department below, you will find a link to their Research & Impact pages. Please note that schools with an * currently do not have a dedicated impact page, the link given will take you … Read more

Interdisciplinary Impact Incubators: The Beginning

The Research Impact team are delivering interdisciplinary impact “incubator” sessions, designed to bring colleagues together around a theme and discuss their impact journeys. This piece reflects on the first two sessions, which are held in addition to the School-based sessions supported by the team. “Ever to Excel”, the St Andrews motto, derives from the sixth … Read more

A new source of everyday energy: piezoelectricity

Energy powers countless aspects of our daily lives, from daily amenities to the technologies we use. But, as these technologies shift and evolve, so do their energy needs. One of these evolving technologies is the Internet of Things (IoT), which refers to anything that uses sensors to transmit data across connected devices over the Internet, … Read more