Amazonian sustainable biological resources

GCRF Funding Cycle2018-19 Principal InvestigatorProfessor Thomas Meagher SchoolsBiology ODA countriesAmazonian countries Sustainable Development GoalsGoal 4, Goal 15 The first aim of this project was to develop a stakeholder network to promote uptake of work supported through several stages of SFC GCRF funding to develop novel technology for biodiversity and land-use monitoring. Stakeholder engagement supported by … Read more

Valuing Intact Tropical Peatlands

GCRF Funding Cycle2018-19 Principal InvestigatorKaty Roucoux SchoolsGeography & Sustainable Development ODA countriesPeru Sustainable Development GoalsGoal 12, Goal 13 This work is studying the social, economic and cultural values of peatlands in the Peruvian Amazon to complement existing scientific research on the carbon content, ecology and formation of tropical peatlands in the Pastaza-Marañón Foreland Basin. It … Read more