Multidisciplinary approaches to Understanding the Safe and Effective use of Medicines in HIV-tuberculosis co-infection (MUSEUM)

Patient-centred pharmacovigilance to improve reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions amongst those living with HIV and TB in Uganda GCRF Funding Cycle2019-20 Principal InvestigatorDerek Sloan SchoolsMedicine ODA countriesUganda Sustainable Development GoalsGoal 3 Tuberculosis and HIV are major public health problems in Uganda. People suffering from these illnesses sometimes find it difficult to fully adhere to prolonged … Read more

Maximising analytical and translational capability for social science data on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in East Africa

GCRF Funding Cycle2019-20 Principal InvestigatorsKatherine Keenan, Mike Kesby SchoolsGeography & Sustainable Development ODA countriesUganda, Tanzania Sustainable Development GoalsGoal 3, Goal 17 This capacity building project brought together over 40 scientists from East Africa and Scotland for the first time to train in a range of qualitative, quantitative and geospatial methods which can be applied to … Read more

Improving processes, data sharing and decision support in Brazilian healthcare

Focusing on polypharmacy and mental health GCRF Funding Cycle2019-20 Principal InvestigatorDr Juliana Bowles SchoolsComputer Science ODA countriesBrazil Sustainable Development GoalsGoal 3, Goal 9 The Brazilian healthcare system faces major challenges as the population grows and ages, and the systems, put in place to manage patients with more than one chronic medical condition (multimorbidity), struggle to … Read more

Going back to my rural roots

COVID 19 and return migration in northern Peru GCRF Funding Cycle2019-20 Principal InvestigatorAna Gutierrez Garza SchoolsSocial Anthropology ODA countriesPeru Sustainable Development GoalsGoal 3, Goal 11 This is rapid response work responding to the Covid-19 crisis A disaster is looming in Peru caused by Covid-19 as thousands of migrants have returned to their rural homes where … Read more

Exploring and Mobilising Sustainable Community Philanthropy in Malawi

Taking in traditions, identifying opportunities and examining international lessons GCRF Funding Cycle2019-20 Principal InvestigatorTobias Jung SchoolsManagement ODA countriesMalawi Sustainable Development Goals Philanthropy, the use of private resources (time, treasure, talent) for public purposes, is considered an essential ingredient in addressing pressing global social, economic, political and environmental issues. Within international development, however, philanthropy’s image is … Read more