Tips from previous GCRF award holders

As well as the notes below, we have put together a ‘Living Document’ Global Challenges Toolkit which we hope will be useful.

  • Cash advances for visitors from ODA-listed countries
    Cash advances are available for ODA visitors to the UK. Please ask your FAS contact for a ‘Global Challenges Cash Advance Request’. Request must be made as soon as possible by the PI and receipts must be collected by the visitors and submitted at the end of their trip by the PI.
    Tips from colleagues: Cash advances are now available for ODA visitors. They will still need to retain receipts, and these will need to be processed in the usual way.
  • Equipment which will be staying in the ODA-listed country/Export control considerations
    If you are taking equipment with you to a country which you intend to leave with partners in the ODA-listed country, please check you have any import / export licences you may need.
    For laptops and other small electronic items, it may suffice to have a letter from the collaborators saying that you are bringing in the equipment for sole use in a joint, collaborative project and it will be depreciated over the terms/length of the project and left in country on completion.
    Equipment should not be set up by the University as University property. Software licences should be purchased and installed as stand alone, so they can be registered with the final user. Ensure that purchase orders state that this is for GCRF work.
    Tips from colleagues: To ensure equipment purchased for ODA partners which will remain with them, such as laptops, does not include University security software and encryption, please state clearly that the work is for GCRF purposes on the purchase order and any correspondence with IT Services. Check with your in-country partner about export/import regulations, costs and timescales in the ODA country.
  • Acknowledging funding and tracking research impact
    Research teams and partners should acknowledge the source of funding (SFC and GCRF), where possible, in all publications, media statements and in conference papers even after the project has concluded. Logos are available from: should give thought to the tracking of ongoing research impact arising from GCRF projects and the mechanism that could be put in place with various partners and local contractors to measure this. This information may be repurposed for academic publication, reporting purposes, departmental publicity and, potentially, for Research Excellence Framework Impact Case Studies. Please contact the Research Impact Team if you have any queries.
    Tips from colleagues:
    Reporting: It is helpful to keep a running note and to take photos throughout – ensure you have the permission of the subjects or their guardians, in the case of minors – and keep a record of events and challenges. This will make reporting easier.
    Budget accounting: you may wish to use your own Excel files to keep track of line budgets for internal management.